I'm using Windows Media Centre in Windows 10 and with the Windows 10 annoyances I've listed in other threads, I still wouldn't go back to Windows 7 now.

This included scripts to automatic change resolutions when necessary, launch and close Uplay, Steam, Origin & Battlenet invisibly when needed AND set my joystick and wheel preferences for each game via Pinnacle Game Profiler automatically. If you're still using a keyboard and have an old joystick or throttle or gamepad lying around - I would highly recommend trying something that will let you use them - it vastly improves the sim experience for me.I spent many many MANY hours getting all my games and movies to show up properly in Windows Media Centre (with nice boxart and icons) so that you could boot up, navigate games and movies with a remote and exit game/movie without the desktop being visible. I'm still building out my profile but it seems to be going fast and works surprisingly well. While the post I found was from 2014 - it seems like the product is still supported with regular updates. A simple - intuitive - interface - that seems to do everything I need it to do - to control trains in ORTS. So after posting yesterday - I dove in around here and stumbled across an old post where someone mentioned " JoyToKey" - just what the doctor ordered. While digging through old posts here - I think I found a viable solution - in the past few weeks I've tried GlovePIE and Padstarr - both weren't very intuitive, awkward, and I'm not even sure I could get them to do what I wanted.

Would anyone have a fix that actually worked for this ? There doesn’t appear to be many products in this niche - and the few others that are available - pale in comparison. I’ve scoured the Internet - tried some suggested fixes - tried ALL the Win10 compatibility settings - and have spent the last couple months in search of a fix. The sole developer of PGP died a few years back so the product is unsupported. PGP - did work with previous versions of Win10 without issue - relatively recently - one of the big MS patch clusters killed it.

Loss of my joystick/throttle is truly forcing me away from ORTS. After being spoiled for so many years - I am finding it impossible to go back to using the keyboard as it just sucks all the enjoyment out of the sim for me.

For those that still use a keyboard - it massively improves the immersion level when you can actually move a real lever or press a real button to drive trains. I’ve used PGP for many years - it allows you to setup your joystick/controller to emulate keystrokes - which allows you to use any joystick/controller with ORTS. Question - anyone else use PGP and found a solution to the Win10 crash issue ?